Expansion Pass
Information about the upcoming expansion pass and DLC waves.
Expansion Pass
Fire Emblem Engage will have 4 waves of paid downloadable content (DLC), with wave 1 being released at launch. The price is $29.99/£26.99/3,000円 for all 4 waves of the Expansion Pass and waves cannot be bought separately.
You can purchase the Expansion Pass via the Nintendo Switch eshop or by visiting the following pages depending on your region.

DLC Wave 1
This DLC wave (release date 1/20/2023) contains the following content.
- Emblem Bracelet for Edelgard/Dimitri/Claude from Fire Emblem Three Houses which increases EXP growth by 20% and allows you to switch between the lords for different attacks. (Unlocked after viewing the Lookout Ridge event in the Somniel).

- Emblem Bracelet for Tiki from Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon and New Mystery of the Emblem which increases stat growths. (Unlocked after clearing a new Divine Paralogue map).

- One of each stat booster: Boots, Seraph Robe, Energy Drop, Spirit Dust, Secret Book, Speedwing, Goddess Icon, Dracoshield, and Talisman. (Unlocked the first time the Somniel is visited after Chapter 5).
- New accessories: Rare Set, Frilled Band, Big Ribbon, Single Earring, and Round Specs (Unlocked the first time the Boutique in the Somniel is visited after Chapter 6).

- A Silver Card to receive a 30% discount on Armory and Item Shop purchases. (Unlocked by finding the item in the new Divine Paralogue map),
DLC Wave 2
Release by: 12/31/2023 (Details to be revealed later)
This DLC wave will contain the following content.
- Additional Emblems
- Support Items (consumable items & crafting materials)
- New Accessories
DLC Wave 3
Release by: 12/31/2023 (Details to be revealed later)
This DLC wave will contain the following content.
- Additional Emblems
DLC Wave 4
Release by: 12/31/2023 (Details to be revealed later)
This DLC wave will contain the following content.
- Additional Maps and a Separate Story from the Main Chapters
- New Characters
- Additional Classes